Time and Space at the Piano

In practicing, if we come up short in a jump—playing an octave and a seventh when it should be two octaves—we try to correct by jumping faster. Perfectly sensible—if it works. If it doesn’t work after a couple of attempts, try giving it another fraction of a second, and think of its size in seconds rather than intervals. Time instead of space. This may make it easy, so prepare to be amazed.

Or you may think, “How absurd! Even if I get the second note right, it’ll be too late.” Well, it will be later—no argument; but maybe by so little that it won’t register as late. Or maybe you’ve been feeling enough pressure from this particular difficulty that you’ve been playing a bit fast, and now you’ll be at the right tempo. Being objective about this can be tricky, so dance and sing the passage; or record yourself and dance to the playback. See “The Most for the Least”.


A minor error often comes before a major one.
Remove the former and the latter will diminish, too.
So even silly verse can help augment your learning skills.
Copyright © James Boyk 2013. All rights reserved.
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